Board Communications

Statement from the Board of Trustees Executive and Audit Committee

May 10, 2024

To the Community,

The past few weeks have been a challenging time for . As leaders of the Board of Trustees, we believe it is appropriate to provide the community with a statement about the events, as well as to respond to certain communications we have received.

As an institution, is committed to protecting freedom of expression, which includes peaceful protest. Freedom of speech, as well as academic freedom, are cornerstones of higher education.

At the same time, has an obligation to ensure a safe environment for all members of our community, as well as to enforce rules that allow the university to thrive. Any speech that violates our Code of Conduct by threatening student or faculty members under ’sis simply not permitted.

Prior to the more recent events, a group of individuals staged a protest at our January 26 board meeting. That protest included the use of a megaphone and shouts that prevented the board from conducting business. The group involved then vandalized property and blocked individuals from leaving the meeting location once the meeting concluded, requiring campus police to secure their exit.

Following the meeting, the university initiated disciplinary proceedings against the individuals involved for violations of the Code of Conduct and other policies. The board fully supports President Cudd’s efforts to hold the responsible individuals accountable. It is not permissible to engage in conduct that prevents meetings from being conducted, damages property or violates other university rules.

More recently, as our community is well aware, another protest led to a large group breaking into and entering the Millar Library. This occupation, which led to significant interior and exterior damage to the library and the painting of desecrating graffiti everywhere, required President Cudd to request assistance from the Portland police to create a peaceful resolution.

President Cudd did not make this decision lightly. As president, her obligation is to ensure the safety of all students and that those students have natural and expected access to a secure and enriching environment within all of our university facilities. The president had, and continues to have, the full support of the board in her efforts to fulfill those obligations.

is a community made up of people with many different views and aspirations. Students and faculty who wish to advocate a position are free to do so. No members of our community, however, have the right to intimidate others, shut down meetings or engage in illegal activity.

A critical element of ’s mission is to prepare students for success in life post-graduation. Our pluralistic democracy requires us to engage in dialogue with those who hold different views, challenge our own views and treat others with civility. We hope all members of the community will reflect on these facts and the events of the last few weeks as we navigate the challenges we will face in the months and years to come.

Very truly yours,

Benjamin Berry, Chair of the Board of Trustees and

Members of theExecutive & Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees

Spring Greetings from the Board of Trustees

April 3, 2024


Happy Spring Term to everyone. I hope the start of this term brings new energy for learning and engagement, and for those of you embarking on the last term of your current academic adventure, I wish you heartfelt congratulations.

As promised, I am back with an update for the campus community ahead of our upcoming Board of Trustees meetings. This week, we will host four committee meetings and our full board meeting.

On Thursday, April 4, board committees will discuss the role of the board around diversity, equity and inclusion, hear overviews from the and , have a presentation from the and receive an in-depth update on the strategic planning process. During the full board meeting on Friday, April 5, we will hear updates from the and an update on t plan. Additionally, at this meeting, we intend to move forward with the implementation of Senate Bill 273 and approve the tuition and mandatory enrollment fees for the 2024-25 academic year and the 2025 summer term.

I want to remind you all about the coffee hour hosted before the full board meeting on April 5 in the Academic and Student Recreation Center (ASRC) 515 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. as a way to connect and engage with board members and the campus community. Please RSVP by the end of today, April 3, if you will be joining us for coffee.

For each term update, I share with you information about one of our trustees. As Board Chair, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you about why I care so much about .

Get to know Chair Benjamin Berry

Why did you apply to serve on the Board, and how has that perspective changed since serving on the Board and now as Board chair?

With a service ethic in mind, I have served on about 10 boards. This includes for profit, nonprofit, public-sector boards, and universities. When the opportunity to serve as a Board of Trustee for came knocking, I immediately knew it was a call that I needed to answer. I have always had a sweet spot in my heart for . I watched my mother take classes at and graduate with a master’s in education.

During my undergraduate work at the University of Portland, I managed to take 21 credits during the summers so I could graduate on time. Having a fiduciary responsibility to the students, faculty, staff, the administration, and President is especially important to me. Conducting crucial conversations and decisions are my highest responsibilities as your Board of Trustee Chair.

What most excites you about the work so far this year and the future of ?

What is exciting and important now and for the future, is setting the course for ’s fiscal sustainment. It is balancing how we create programs and outreach to attract more students to ’s higher education programs at a pace that is within our means and is sustainable. To have this is a collaboration in shared governance across all aspects of our institution: Our administration, faculty, students, unions, the Oregon Legislature, the Foundation, and our community stakeholders and donors. The promise of education excellence must be the North Star of our mission to “Let Knowledge Serve the City.” So far, we are on track in this process!

You recently attended the . Can you tell us one thing that you took away from that conference that you would like to share with the community?

One of my takeaways was during a breakout session called, “Presidential Turnover; Presidential Renewal.” Essentially, boards of trustees should not only be concerned about the retention of their students. They should also be asking themselves how they can retain their capable presidents who are serving shorter terms in office than ever before, with real costs for colleges and universities. Why are presidents departing after only a few years in office? What are some of the leading reasons they choose to leave for another opportunity? What might a board do to avoid this unwelcome, and often unexpected, turnover at the top? And how can a board work with its chief executive to renew their leadership for the increasingly elusive strategic advantage: presidential second act?

As the chairperson for ’s Presidential Search Committee, I recognize that it is the collective wisdom from all of us that brought President Ann Cudd to . Our President represents the BEST, and it is up to all of us to collaborate with her on our crucial conversations. This may come in the form of shared governance debate and reconciliation, staying engaged, recognizing final decisions, and even prayer!

As always, the has various resources that you may find helpful, including the yearly calendar, meeting notices, meeting recordings, and other information.

Lastly, thank all of you for your commitment, dedication, and time this year to support the renaissance of and the City of Portland. Again, I enthusiastically welcome you to the spring academic term — Go Viks!

-Chair Ben Berry

If you want to invite the Board of Trustees to a campus event, email

the Public Meeting Notice to get notified when we have upcoming meetings.

Winter Greetings from the Board of Trustees

January 22, 2024


Happy New Year and week three of winter term. I hope that the cold of last week is squarely behind us and we all can get back to winter term and the first round of board meetings for 2024.

I would like to share an update to the board schedule as our new meeting schedule has us on campus on January 25 for committee meetings and January 26 for the Full Board meeting. This schedule allows us more time to connect as a Board and with the campus community as we work to coordinate future events.

On Thursday, January 25, we will host all of the committee meetings where we will hear updates on the implementation of hear an overview from the, discuss fiscal year 2025 tuition scenarios and budget planning, and hear an in-depth update on the strategic planning process. During the full board meeting on Friday, January 26, we will hear updates from the and an update on.

I would like to remind you all about the coffee hour hosted before the full board meeting on January 26 in ASRC 515 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. as a way to connect and engage with the campus community. Please by January 24 if you will be joining us for coffee.

For this Board update, we would like to share more information about Trustee Mark Rosenbaum. He joined the Board in September 2022 and previously served on the Foundation Board. Below, he shares his answer to a few questions.

Get to know Trustee Mark Rosenbaum.

Why did you apply to serve on the Board, and how, if at all, has that perspective changed since serving on the Board for the last few years?

I had served on a number of boards relating to children and families and, following my time on the Portland Development Commission, came away with the belief that was the most important and underappreciated asset that the City had. So when I was asked to join the board, it was an easy decision. My understanding regarding ’s importance to our community is only stronger and my understanding regarding our budget squeeze is also more acute.

What most excites you about the work so far this year and the future of ?

President Cudd’s focus and energy bodes well for us. The upcoming strategic plan process and task force on Building Community Through Dialogue is critical at this time. My excitement comes primarily from our students — what they learn from our faculty and from working together. Their remarkable dedication to their education, learning and desire to impact the world around us, is what gives me pride, hope and confidence in the future.

Please share a fun fact about your time as a college student or at .

I don’t know how fun it is, however, I managed the campus pizza parlor and worked at a Lloyd Center cigar & tobacco store while in college.

As always, the Board webpage has various resources that you may find helpful, including the yearly calendar, meeting notices, meeting recordings, and other information.

Lastly, thank all of you for your commitment, dedication, and time this year to support the renaissance of and the City of Portland. Again, I enthusiastically welcome you to the winter academic term — Go Viks!

-Chair Ben Berry

If you want to invite the Board to a campus event, email

to get notified when we have upcoming meetings.