ÈËÆÞÎÞÂë Faculty Code of Conduct

Click on the links below to go to specific sections of the Faculty Conduct Code or scroll down to read the document in its entirety.

  1. Standards of Faculty Conduct
  2. Termination of Appointment and the Imposition of Other Sanctions for Cause
  3. Sanctions More Severe Than Oral or Written Warning or Reprimand


Standards of Faculty Conduct

(1) Membership in the University community accords the Faculty member certain privileges, foremost among them the right to academic freedom; but such membership also places upon the faculty member special responsibilities:

(a) As a teacher, the faculty member by precept and example encourages the free pursuit of learning in his students; he respects the confidential nature of the relationship between professor and student; and he makes every reasonable effort to assure that his evaluation of students reflects their true merit;

(b) As a scholar, the faculty member practices intellectual honesty, seeking and stating the truth as he sees it; he devotes his energies to developing and improving his scholarly competence; and he accepts the obligation to exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending, and transmitting knowledge;

(c) As a colleague, the faculty member respects and defends the free inquiry of his associates; he shows due respect for the opinion of others; and he strives to be objective in his professional judgment of colleagues;

(d) As a member of the University, the faculty member seeks above all to be an effective teacher, scholar, and administrator; he participates willingly in the government of the University; and he observes the stated regulations of the University, provided they do not contravene academic freedom -- Although he maintains his right to criticize and seek revision of those regulations;

(e) As an administrator, the faculty member has obligations toward the students, other academic staff members, and the University which derive from his common membership in the academic community; and he seeks to carry out his duties responsibly with due regard to equitable treatment of all personnel under his jurisdiction, so that the governance of the University effectively furthers its primary educational and scholarly functions;

(f) As a member of the non-academic community, the faculty member has the same rights and obligations as any citizen; however, when he speaks or acts as a private person, he avoids creating the impression that he speaks or acts for the University.

(2) Beyond the specific responsibilities stated in the foregoing, the faculty member -- singly and together with his colleagues -- has a dual obligation. First, he strives to ensure that the highest ethical standards of professional behavior are realized within the University. Second, he participates in guaranteeing due process to colleagues against whom complaints are brought alleging that they have violated the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's standards of "cause" for faculty discipline, which involve the above-listed responsibilities and other institution-related activities.

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Termination of Appointment and the Imposition of Other Sanctions for Cause



In accordance with OAR 580-041-0325 of the Administrative Rules of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education, the appointment of academic staff members, whether on indefinite tenure or not on indefinite tenure, may be terminated for cause, or other sanctions may be imposed for cause:

(1) The term "academic staff member" as used in this Division 41 shall include all staff members of the University having academic rank (graduate rank or faculty rank) as defined in OAR 580-040-0040 of the Administrative Rules, e.g., graduate teaching assistant, graduate research assistant, graduate fellow, instructor, senior instructor, research assistant, research associate, lecturer, senior lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor, whether the type of service be teaching, research, administration, or other service; provided, however, that the procedures of this division 41 for the imposition of sanctions shall not be applicable to the president of the University. Complaints alleging that the President of the University has engaged in conduct such as to warrant the imposition of sanctions for cause as set forth in this OAR 577-041-0010 shall be forwarded to the Chancellor of the Department of Higher Education.

(2) Cause is defined by the Administrative Rules (OAR chapter 580) as follows:

(a) Failure to perform the responsibilities of an academic staff member, arising out of his particular assignment, toward his students, toward his academic discipline, toward his colleagues, or toward the institution in its primary educational and scholarly functions and secondary administrative functions of maintaining property, disbursing funds, keeping records, providing living accommodations and other services, sponsoring activities, and protecting the health and safety of persons in the institutional community. Evidence to demonstrate cause under the standard set forth in this subsection may include, but is not limited to, evidence of incompetence, gross inefficiency, default of academic integrity in teaching, research, or scholarship, and intentional or habitual neglect of duty;

(b) Conviction of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during period of employment by the Department of Higher Education (or prior thereto if the conviction was willfully concealed in applying to the Department for employment);

(c) Engaging in conduct proscribed by OAR 580-042-0410 of the Administrative Rules (the proscriptions in the following list apply to all persons in the University, not just academic staff members):

(A) Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other institutional activities, including the institution's public service functions or other authorized activities on institutionally owned or controlled property;

(B) Obstruction or disruption which interferes with the freedom of movement, both pedestrian and vehicular, on institutionally owned or controlled property;

(C) Possession or use of fire arms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on institutionally owned or controlled property, in contravention of law or without University authorization;

(D) Detention or physical abuse of any person or conduct which is intended to threaten imminent bodily harm or endanger the health of any person on any institutionally owned or controlled property;

(E) Malicious damage or misuse or theft of institutional property, or the property of any other person where such property is located on institutionally owned or controlled property, or, regardless of location, is in the care, custody, or control of the University;

(F) Refusal by any person, while on institutional property, to comply with an order of the institutional executive or appropriate authorized official or officials, to leave such premises because of conduct proscribed by the Administrative Rules (OAR chapter 580) when such conduct constitutes a danger to personal safety, property or educational or other appropriate institutional activities on such premises;

(G) Unauthorized entry to or use of institutional facilities, including buildings and grounds;

(H) Illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs on institutionally owned or controlled property;

(I) Inciting others to engage in any of the conduct or to perform any of the acts prohibited herein. Inciting means that advocacy of proscribed conduct which calls upon the person or persons addressed for imminent action, and is coupled with a reasonable apprehension of imminent danger to the functions and purposes of the institution, including the safety of its students, faculty, and officials, and the protection of its property.

(3) Sanctions for cause include oral or written warning or reprimand, written censure, removal from an assigned post and reassignment, suspension for a period not to exceed one year, and termination.

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Procedures for the Imposition of Sanctions

Complaints alleging that an academic staff member has engaged in conduct such as to warrant the imposition of a sanction or sanctions for cause shall be filed with the President of the University or his deputy. (Hereinafter the word President shall be understood to refer to the President of the University or his deputy.) Such complaints shall be in writing and shall state specifically the facts believed to constitute the grounds for the imposition of such sanction or sanctions. Upon receiving such written complaint, the President shall promptly refer it to an appropriate administrative officer and shall also have a copy of the written complaint delivered to the academic staff member in person or sent by certified mail to his last known address. The administrative officer shall explore to his satisfaction the possibility of a settlement mutually acceptable to the academic staff member and himself. If no mutual settlement is effected, the procedures of OAR 577-041-0020 to 577-041-0085 shall apply.

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Sanctions of Oral Warning or Reprimand

Sanctions of oral warning or reprimand may be imposed at the discretion of the appropriate administrative officer if, in his judgment, the preponderance of the evidence supports the complaint. But if an administrative officer desires to enter a notation of the imposition of such sanction in the academic staff member's personnel record or other records, he shall promptly submit the matter for review to a special ad hoc Warning and Reprimand Committee. The Committee, consisting of at least three members, shall be chosen in a manner to be determined by the Faculty Senate. The Committee shall review the complaint and, in accordance with the preponderance of the evidence, shall recommend, by agreement of at least a majority of its members, to the President whether such notation should be made. If the President authorizes the notation, he shall promptly give the academic staff member written notice of his decision and of his reasons therefore. No notation of the imposition of a sanction of oral warning or reprimand shall be made in the academic staff member's personnel record, or shall at any time be made a matter of record in any other manner, unless authorized by the President after he has received the recommendation of the special ad hoc Warning and Reprimand Committee.

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Sanctions of Written Warning or Reprimand

If, in the judgment of the administrative officer to whom the complaint has been referred, the preponderance of the evidence supports the complaint against the academic staff member, he may determine that the imposition of a sanction of written warning or reprimand is warranted. If so, he shall promptly inform the academic staff member in writing of his decision to impose such sanction and of his reasons therefore, and such notification shall be delivered to the academic staff member in person or sent by certified mail to his last known address. Within ten days, or such longer period as may be approved by the administrative officer upon showing by the academic staff member that he was unable to respond within ten days, after the personal delivery or mailing by certified mail of such notification to him, the academic staff member shall state in writing to the administrative officer whether he desires a review, by a special ad hoc Warning and Reprimand Committee consisting of at least three members and chosen in a manner to be determined by the faculty Senate, of the decision to impose a sanction of written warning or reprimand. If the academic staff member does not request such review, the sanction shall become effective at the end of the ten-day or approved longer period. But if the academic staff member does request a review by the Warning and Reprimand Committee, that committee shall promptly review the matter and, in accordance with the preponderance of the evidence, recommend, by agreement of at least a majority of its members, to the President whether a sanction of written warning or reprimand should be imposed. If the President determines that such sanction shall be imposed, he shall promptly give the academic staff member written notice of his decision and of his reasons therefore.

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Sanctions More Severe Than Oral or
Written Warning or Reprimand


Screening Panel and Preparation of Formal Charges

(1) If a complaint against an academic staff member has been referred to an administrative officer as provided for in OAR 577-041-0015 above, and a mutual settlement of the complaint has not been effected, the administrative officer shall promptly prepare and transmit to a special ad hoc Screening Panel a preliminary statement of charges if, in his judgment:

(a) The conduct alleged is such that it could warrant the imposition of a sanction or sanctions more severe than oral warning or reprimand, or written warning or reprimand; and

(b) He finds probable cause that the academic staff member did engage in such conduct;

(c) The preliminary statement of charges shall be in writing and shall state specifically the facts believed to constitute the grounds for the imposition of such sanctions. No institutional officer responsible for evaluating such charges shall participate in their preparation.

(2) The special ad hoc Screening Panel, composed of at least three members, shall be chosen by the Advisory Council in a manner it shall determine. It shall be the duty of the Screening Panel to recommend to the President within 14 days of the date of its selection whether there should be further proceedings before a hearing committee.

(3) The Screening Panel shall recommend that there be further proceedings before a hearing committee, if, in its judgment:

(a) The conduct alleged in the preliminary statement of charges is such that it could warrant the imposition of a sanction or sanctions more severe than oral warning or reprimand, or written warning or reprimand; and

(b) There is probable cause that the academic staff member did engage in the conduct alleged in the preliminary statement of charges.

(4) If the Screening Panel, by agreement of at least a majority of its membership, determines that there should be further proceedings before a hearing committee, it shall transmit the preliminary statement of charges to the President with a recommendation that a hearing committee should be selected to hear the case as provided for in OAR 577-041-0040 and 577-041-0045.

(5) If the President agrees with the Screening Panel's recommendation that there should be further proceedings before a hearing committee, he shall authorize the selection of a hearing committee as provided for in rules 577-041-0040 and 577-041-0045, and shall have delivered to the academic staff member in person or sent by certified mail to his last known address a written statement informing him of the President's agreement with this recommendation of the Screening Panel, and enclosing a copy of the Screening Panel's recommendation and of the statement of charges.

(6) If the President disagrees with the Screening Panel's recommendation that there be further proceedings before a hearing committee, the charges against the academic staff member shall be dropped.

(7) If the Screening Panel determines that there is not probable cause to impose sanctions more severe than oral or written warning or reprimand, and recommends that there should not be further proceedings before a hearing committee, and the President disagrees with this determination, he may order preparation of formal statement of the charges. If the President orders preparation of a formal statement of the charges, the procedure followed shall be as set forth in OAR 577-041-0030, except that the Screening Panel shall be bypassed. Within ten days after the President's decision to require a hearing, or after preparation of the amended statement of charges, a copy of the statement of charges shall be delivered to the academic staff member in person or sent by certified mail to his last known address.

(8) For the purposes of these procedures and in connection with the notation in an academic staff member's personnel file of formal charges brought against him (see OAR 577-041-0080), the bringing of formal charges against an academic staff member shall be constituted by:

(a) The delivery to an academic staff member in person, or the sending by certified mail to his last known address, of a written statement from the President informing him of the President's agreement with a Screening Panel's recommendation that there be further proceedings before a hearing committee; or

(b) The delivery to an academic staff member in person, or the sending by certified mail to his last known address, of a statement of the charges against him; or

(c) The delivery to an academic staff member in person, or the sending by certified mail to his last known address, of a statement of charges against him the preparation of which was authorized by the Board of Higher Education as provided for in OAR 577-041-0070.

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Temporary Suspension of Academic Staff Member

If at any time after the filing of a written complaint as described in OAR 577-041-0015 above, or following a directive of the Board of Higher Education to the President described in OAR 577-041-0070, the President makes a finding that there is a clear and present danger that the academic staff member's continued performance of his duties will be harmful to the University, to the academic staff member, or the public at large, the President may suspend the academic staff member, without financial penalty, from some or all of his duties.

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Academic Staff Member's Request for a Formal Hearing

Within ten days after the personal delivery or mailing by certified mail of a copy of the formal charges to the academic staff member, the academic staff member who is so charged shall state in writing to the President whether he desires a formal hearing on the charges before a hearing committee. This ten-day period may be reasonably extended by the President. If the academic staff member requests in writing that he not have a formal hearing, the President may impose an appropriate sanction or sanctions upon the academic staff member to be effective as the President determines, and he shall promptly give written notice thereof to the academic staff member; provided, however, that the appointment of an academic staff member shall not be terminated sooner than one month nor later than one year from the end of the ten-day period (or as it may have been extended), and provided further, however, that an academic staff member having indefinite tenure whose appointment is terminated for cause other than misconduct shall receive his salary for one year from the end of the ten-day period, or as it may have been extended.

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Hearing Committee

Unless the academic staff member requests in writing that he not have a formal hearing on the charges, such hearings shall be before a special ad hoc hearing committee of five members. Committee members shall be selected in the following manner: The Advisory Council shall appoint one or more permanent panels each consisting of ten faculty members: from one, or if necessary, two, of the permanent panels, the Advisory Council will name five to serve as the hearing committee. If the academic staff member so requests, the Advisory Council may provide that the hearing committee be composed of at least three members having the same contractual status, i.e., indefinite tenure or not indefinite tenure, as he does; or, if he so requests, that the hearing committee be composed entirely of members having indefinite tenure. The academic staff member and the administration are each allowed one peremptory challenge. A committee member so challenged will then be replaced by the Advisory Council from the same panel or panels of ten members each. The hearing committee shall be constituted promptly and shall complete the hearing and its report within 30 days of its constitution, if possible. The committee shall elect a chairman from among its members.

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Conduct of Hearing

(1) The committee shall set a date for the hearing, giving sufficient time to the academic staff member to prepare his case. The committee shall promptly send written notification of the time, place, and date of the hearing to the academic staff member, either by delivery to him in person, or by certified mail to his last known address. The notification shall specify the authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held. The academic staff member and the administration shall have the option of assistance by counsel, both in preparing for and at the hearing. No less than one week before the hearing date, the academic staff member shall file with the committee any such written statement of his case as he elects to file. The committee shall review the charges and the academic staff member's statement, if any, prior to the hearing. During the period between the filing of the complaint and the President's action on the committee's report, the academic staff member shall enjoy the same academic freedom, rights, and privileges as other academic staff members, unless suspended as provided in rule 577-041-0035.

(2) If the academic staff member has neither requested in writing that he have a formal hearing nor requested in writing that he not have a formal hearing, the committee shall consider the case on the basis of the obtainable information and decide what, if any, sanction or sanctions it will recommend be imposed upon the academic staff member. The academic staff member shall have the option of a public or private hearing except that the hearing committee, for cause, may require that the hearing be limited to a few observers; the observers shall include representatives of the press if they request to be present. The conduct of the hearing shall be under the control of the committee chairman, subject to the procedure of the committee.

(3) A verbatim record of the hearing shall be kept. The verbatim record shall be held in the custody of the Vice President for Academic Affairs until final disposition of the case has been made by the President or by the Board if there is an appeal to or review by the Board. Thereafter, it shall be sent to the President to be held in his safe keeping until a year after the final disposition of the case by the President, the Board, or the appropriate court of law, and then destroyed as soon as permitted by law. At the hearing, the testimony of witnesses, upon oat or affirmation, and other evidence concerning any disputed facts shall be received by the committee. The administration shall have the burden of proving the formal charges against the academic staff member and the committee findings shall be according to the preponderance of the evidence.

(4) The academic staff member shall have the right to appear, and to participate in the hearing and to present relevant evidence to the committee, and he may be represented by counsel with or without the presence of the academic staff member. If an academic staff member who has requested a formal hearing fails to appear at the time set for the hearing, and no explanation acceptable to the committee has been given, the committee shall proceed with the hearing without the presence of the academic staff member. The academic staff member and the administration shall have the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. The administration shall issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses upon request of the hearing committee on good cause being shown, including a showing of relevance and reasonable scope, by the academic staff member. The academic staff member and the administration shall be given a reasonable opportunity to submit rebuttal testimony or other evidence. At the conclusion of the testimony, the committee shall permit each side a reasonable time, not to exceed two hours, to submit an oral or written summation. When the committee is satisfied that all pertinent and available evidence has been received, and that all summations intended to be offered have been presented, the hearing will be adjourned. When the committee is satisfied that all pertinent and available evidence has been received, and that such summations as it deems appropriate have been presented, the hearing will be adjourned. The committee will then go into executive session for the purpose of deliberation.

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Committee's Report

The committee, by agreement of at least a majority of the members thereof, shall make explicit findings based upon the hearing record with respect to each specification in the formal charges lodged against the academic staff member, and shall within ten days following determination by the committee of its findings recommend, by agreement of at least a majority of the members thereof, what, if any, sanction or sanctions be imposed upon the academic staff member. The President and the academic staff member shall be given copies of the findings and recommendation. The verbatim record of the hearing shall be made available to the President and to the academic staff member for copying or copies thereof shall be made for them at cost upon their request.

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Action by the President

The President may, if he deems it necessary, refer the matter back to the committee for further findings of fact. If the President reviews the entire record, including the verbatim record of the hearing, he shall, promptly after receipt of the committee's report and after having had a reasonable opportunity to consult with the Chancellor and others, give the academic staff member and the Chancellor written notice of his decision. If the President decides adversely to the academic staff member solely upon the basis of the committee's report, without reviewing the full record, he shall prepare a proposed order, including findings of fact and conclusions of law, and provide an opportunity to the academic staff member to file exceptions thereto and present argument. The President shall personally consider any portion of the record cited in the academic staff member's exceptions and argument. The President's decision, whether or not upon the full record, shall be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law on each contested issue. A copy of the decision, including findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be delivered to the academic staff member in person or sent by certified mail to his last known address. If the decision is to impose a sanction or sanctions upon an academic staff member, the notice shall state when it is to be effective; provided, however, that the appointment of an academic staff member shall not be terminated sooner than one month nor later than one year from the date of the written notice, and provided further, that an academic staff member having indefinite tenure whose appointment is terminated for cause other than misconduct shall receive his salary for one year from the date of the written notice of the President's decision.

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Review by the Board of Higher Education

(1) The Board shall review any case of the imposition of a sanction or sanctions upon an academic staff member having indefinite tenure upon written notice of appeal by the academic staff member. This appeal shall be filed with the Board's Secretary within ten days (or within such extension of time as permitted for cause by the Chancellor) of date of the written notice of the President's decision, stating grounds for the appeal, with a copy to the President. The Board may on its own initiative review any case involving the question of the imposition of a sanction or sanctions upon an academic staff member. Upon receiving a notice of any written notice of appeal by an academic staff member having indefinite tenure or of the Board's decision to review a case, the President shall forward to the Board's Secretary the following:

(a) A copy of the charges in the case and of the academic staff member's written statement, if any, in answer thereto;

(b) The verbatim record of the hearing, and any exhibits;

(c) The committee's findings and recommendations; and

(d) A copy of the notice of the President's decision, including his findings of fact and conclusions of law.

(2) The Board may:

(a) Review the case on record only;

(b) Return the case to the University for the receipt of further evidence or testimony;

(c) Conduct such hearings as it deems proper for its review;

(d) Refer the matter to a committee of Board members for consideration, including possible hearings, and recommendations; or

(e) Refer the matter to a hearing officer for hearings and recommendation. The Board shall make such determination of the case, pursuant to the Administrative Rules (OAR Chapter 580), as it deems just.

(3) If the Board sustains the decision to impose a sanction or sanctions upon the academic staff member, the sanction or sanctions shall be effective at the date originally named by the President, or such later date as determined by the Board.

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Board's Initiative in Bringing Investigation or Charges

On any occasion when it appears to the Board that there is probable cause to impose a sanction or sanctions upon an academic staff member, the Board may direct the President to determine whether he finds there is probable cause to impose a sanction or sanctions upon the academic staff member. In determining the existence of probable cause, the President shall refer the question to a Screening Panel described in OAR 577-041-0030 for its recommendation. The subsequent procedures shall be the same as provided for in OAR 577-041-0030(2) through 577-041-0065. If the finding of the President is that there is not probable cause to impose a sanction or sanctions upon the academic staff member, the President shall transmit such report to the Board, including a full statement of his reasons for such a finding. If the Board, after receipt of the report, deems that the facts of the case warrant the filing of formal charges, the Board shall provide the President with a statement explaining its exceptions to his findings, and it may direct the President to have formal charges prepared or, upon the request of the President, the Board may direct some person within the Department of Higher Education to prepare the formal charges. Following the President's authorization of preparation of charges, no institutional officer responsible for evaluating the charges shall participate in their preparation. Within ten days after the President's authorization of preparation of the charges, they shall be filed with the President, and a copy personally delivered to the academic staff member or sent by certified mail to his last known address. The personal delivery or sending by certified mail to the academic staff member of the charges whose preparation was authorized by the President or prepared within the Department of Higher Education, shall constitute the formal filing of charges for the purposes of this OAR 577-041-0070. The subsequent procedures shall be the same as provided for in OAR 577-041-0035 through 577-041-0065.

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No Reprisals

No employee of the Department of Higher Education shall be subject to reprimand or other adverse action by the Department for appearing as a witness or for participating as a member of a committee in any proceedings provided for in this division 41.

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Personnel Record

No notation shall be made in the personnel record of an academic staff member of any investigation which has not resulted in formal charges being brought against him under this Division, or which has not resulted in the imposition of a sanction of oral or written warning or reprimand in accordance with the procedures provided for in OAR 577-041-0015, 577-041-0020, and 577-041-0025.

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No Prejudice

If at any stage of the proceeding the charges against the academic staff member are dropped, or if the academic staff member is exonerated of the charges against him, he shall enjoy without prejudice the same academic freedom, rights, and privileges as other academic staff members in good standing. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall assume responsibility for assuring that the academic staff member involved enjoys such academic freedom, rights, and privileges without prejudice.

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